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One of the most important features of this digital age is the ability to read whenever and wherever you want. However, there are some who may not be literate in any language. If you speak tullu tanne kannada or another language for which we have an available translation, please help us translate stories so that they can be shared with those who may not know how to read at all. These stories are then translated into that person's native tongue by our team of translators. The process is both easy and rewarding- spreading literacy through your community! If you're interested, please apply here: https://goo. gl/forms/DmV3P2bMAaUjnOt1 These stories are also available at I would like to thank you in advance for your help and thank you in advance. Under the direction of our team, the various translators, stories are translated so that they can be read by speakers of other languages through Google Translate. The tullu tanne kannada stories are available at the following link: It is very important to name the author and translator of each story at least once. You can find this information in the file name by searching for "%%author -%", or "%!author -%" If you are not able to find this, please ask the translator who translated it, or the person who made the scan, if they know the name of the author. Because many of our stories are written in dialects of India's many languages, most authors are anonymous. If you are interested in reading more kannada stories visit com/books?id=u2AwSa_Sa-xc&pg=PA75&dq=%22Tullu+Tanne+Kannada+Stories%22&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false If you would like to know how the stories are scanned please visit The great people of India have been using this language for centuries. The primary reason they have been able to do so is due to the efforts of the many who support the promotion and preservation of this language. cfa1e77820